Friday 10 October 2014

Inspirations - Miss Georgiou


Being inspired means to be mentally stimulated to feel or do something, especially to do something creative. Inspiration is generated when we as individuals admire, enjoy and respect something or someone. In relation to my thriller project I have taken inspiration from several scenes taken from various thriller films including; Halloween (1978), Saw......


Recently I analysed the film Halloween (1978) and was inspired by numerous editing techniques used within the opening sequence. The two I felt have inspired me are the use of point of view camera shots (from the p.o.v. of Michael Myers, the killer) and the reaction shot used at the very end of the scene, revealing the killer. Cinematography is really important within a film, as it can affect the way an audience feels about a film scene and if there was not a variety of different shots then the film would dull and uninteresting and it would not attract an audience for the film or the sequence. Planning these shots and angles are important in order to create a good opening sequence because if they are planned then you know exactly what shots you want to use and what effect they will have on the audience.
I specifically liked these aspects of the opening sequence as I felt that portraying the protagonists point of view was effective in generating mystery and enigma, this technique mean that not all the information is given away to the audience in one go, as the the killers identity is hidden, the audiences are left guessing what will happen next and who is the killer. I would like to use this technique in my own opening sequence of a thriller as I believe it would be effective in producing effective and conventional audience responses, such as creating suspense and enigma, for individuals viewing pleasure. 
I felt as if the reaction shot used at the very end of the sequence was highly successful in bringing about shock. The true identity of the the antagonist is eventually revealed to be simply a young boy.


Film is generally thought of as an essentially visual experience, however, the importance of sound within films is underestimated. An effective sound track is often as complex as the image on the screen. The entire sound track within films is comprised of three essential things. They are the human voice, sound effects and music. All aspects of sound used within film are used to manipulate the emotions of the audience. As we are producing an opening sequence for a thriller, my group and I are using specific sound techniques to produce specific effects such as the conventional audience responses of the thriller genre which include; shock, fear, apprehension, enigma and tension.  Therefore in order to produce an excellent opening sequence of a thriller, the planning of sound is an essential process for my group and I to take part in. In my own time I have researched several thriller films including Se7en, The Sixth Sense and Shutter Island.  The purpose of doing this was to gain an overall idea of what it was in regards to sound that we as a group thought what you be effective to include within our thriller opening sequence. Shutter Island was 

Editing Styles

Editing styles are important to include within a thriller film as various editing styles produce various effects. For example; a fade out, which is where the screen fades to black, is often used to represent the end of the narrative or scene whereas the Kuleshov effect, which is when two shots are put together, would be used to give the audience a third meaning.  The inclusion of editing styles within a film sequence aids in the production of conventional audience responses such as shock, surprise, suspense and assist in engaging the audience and establishing a relationship with the audience. When planning our editing styles we analysed.......


1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in considering some of the inspirations that you have gained from watching a number of thriller films. You have made a start in focusing on the micro elements, but you need to ensure that you have considered how your research will assist you with planning and creating your thriller. Therefore, you need to be more specific with your points.

    You also need to read over your work to ensure that you have included the correct points on cinematography, as you have mixed this up with editing styles!

    Finally aim to complete this post, to complete your knowledge and understanding of thriller inspirations.
