Monday, 1 December 2014

Filming Schedule - Miss Georgiou

Filming Schedule

It is important to have a filming schedule so that everybody involved in the filming of the thriller opening sequence knows when and where they are needed. Also it informs the cast and crew on the order in which the scenes which they will be involved in will take place.

Filming Schedule:

While filming, the group and I, used out filming schedule as a plan of our time. We ran into complications while filming as actors were unable to attend on the day of filming and the car we planned to use we were unable to as it inconveniently broke down therefore we had to improvise the beginning of our thriller opening sequence which we as a group didn't find too challenging. However we did find that the schedule was still very helpful in the aid of positioning the cast and crew and informing them on where they were needed to be, in what order scenes would be filmed, the content of each shot, the shot type, the hair and make up required per shot and the props and equipment used for the frames following those meant to contain the car.

In conclusion, creating a filming schedule was a productive use of our time as is enabled the filming of our thriller opening sequence to be straightforward and time effective which i believe is essential, taking into consideration the complications we ran into while filming.

1 comment:

  1. The table that you have included demonstrates some good group planning, which is evident through the days and times that you have agreed on filming. Now you need to explore the written element of this post and explore why a filming schedule is essential to carry out in further detail.
