Friday 21 November 2014

Planning Opening Credits - Miss Georgiou

Planning Credits


As  opening credits are one of the first things we see when watching a film, it is essential to use a font that is fitting of our production as it may be used to set the tone of the whole text, and also influence the audience's initial response to our production. Additionally, opening credits will be used in an opening sequence to a thriller film as a key purpose is to inform the audience who the main cast is and how important they are to the film in order of appearance. The purpose of credits within a thriller opening sequence can also be to introduce the mood of the film. The credits are also there to give you a sense of the film because the fonts and colours that are used for opening credits may tell you that you are watching a thriller film. 

There are several thriller conventions that can be found in the opening sequence of the film Se7en. Firstly, there is low key lighting and shadows used within this opening sequence. As the scene starts there is low key lighting surrounding the book that he is looking through, this shows straight away the genre of this film to the audience of which is the thriller genre. There is also to do with the low key lighting a lot of dark shadows, the shadows are used in this opening sequence because it creates a scary and eery tone, to he rest of the sequence and helps to draw the audience in. By there being shadows, it creates mystery for the audience and creates questions an enigma to the audience as to why there is shadows, maybe there is more than one person, or antagonist that isn't known about.  Another convention used in this opening thriller sequence was iconography, there was a sense that weapons are relevant or will be relevant in this film because there is a number of potential weapons seen throughout the sequence such as a needle and knives. This is conventional to the thriller genre because there is always a weapon used to attract the audiences attention. The use of weapons helps the audience to build a relationship with the character in this case most likely to be the antagonist, we can build a relationship with them because weapons make the audience realise that he is probably going to kill someone in the rest of the film and so already the audience are feeling sorry for the victims even though we haven't met them yet. 

There was a varied use of colour used within the credits of the opening sequence to Se7ven not just the fonts and credits styles but within the back grounds to give the audience an overall view and sense of the film and helps them to understand what genre the film is. Colours for the font of the credits were white, and the colour white is conventional to a thriller film because it can represent death but also mystery. Within the opening credits there was only one character and only what he was doing was seen and so the colour white really helped within this to create the mystery to the audience as to who this charter is and what their motives are, this helps to draw the audiences attention and keep them hooked to the rest of the film from the enigma that the font in the opening credits has helped to displace. The font itself looks to the audience like it was written by someone and so that makes the audience why it was written by someone, generating enigma

Credits for our Opening Sequence

My group members and I, we separately created our own credits with the fonts, texts and colours that we think would be good and then we have looked at then we will look at them together in order to see who's is the best and if it will fit into our thriller opening sequence.

My Credits idea

My opening credits  are conventional because the font is creepy looking which also reflects the thriller genre and helps the audience to get an understanding of the type of film that we are trying to portray to them. The text colour that she has used was a good idea because it is the colour white and this reflects the thriller genre because there is mystery created to the audience and a large sense of enigma which is conventional to the thriller films and the thriller genre. To improve I think that I need to as another colour to make it more conventional and more interesting to the audience to help them get hooked. 

Some strengths of Chloe's design is that it has the bold letters in capitals of the title and so this is important because it is conventuals and reflects the thriller genre. Another strength is that it is the colour white the text which represents to the audience mystery and wonder and leaves a lot of questions open to the rest of the film. A weakness and something to improve on is the way that these credits of mine fade into the screen as they are boring and would be to the audience and doesn't reflect very much the thriller genre. 


In conclusion we have decided as a group to work on my opening credits because they were the most conventional and we decided that they would fit well into our opening sequence and be conventional. We have considered what our opening credits will include and they include the directors name, which inevitably is the most important to a thriller opening sequence and also then there would be the main cast and characters in order of appearance in our opening sequence. We will then include other credits such as hair and make up as well as music and other key people who deserve credit within our thriller film opening sequence. The most important thing for us to work on as a group is the title credit because it is important for the audience to see this as they need to know what the film is called. The title most importantly needs to reflect the genre of the film to the audience so that it is made clear what they are looking and watching, in this case the thriller genre. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of what the purpose of opening credits are. The analysis points that you have included on Se7en demonstrates you understanding of the codes and conventions well, which is also evident through your own designs. Your individual font designs demonstrate a good understanding of thriller themes and conventions that you are inspiring in creating.

    Now you need to analyse the font ideas for your third group members, which will enable you to demonstrate further group planning on the style of fonts that you have created. You also need to decide on what your credits will say and the order that they will appear in too.
