Monday 10 November 2014

Planning Sound - Miss Miller

Planning Sound


 Film is generally thought of as an essentially visual experience, however, the importance of sound within films is underestimated. An effective sound track is often as complex as the image on the screen. The entire sound track within films is comprised of three essential things. They are the human voice, sound effects and music. All aspects of sound used within film are used to manipulate the emotions of the audience. As we are producing an opening sequence for a thriller, my group and I are using specific sound techniques to produce specific effects such as the conventional audience responses of the thriller genre which include; shock, fear, apprehension, enigma and tension.  Therefore in order to produce an excellent opening sequence of a thriller, the planning of sound is an essential process for my group and I to take part in.

Sound Techniques

Non-Diegetic Sound -
My group and I have chosen to include non-diegetic fast paced eerie music in our thriller opening sequence towards the end as the antagonist's back is turned from the camera and he is seen by the audience calmly walking away from the scene of the murder. The effect of the fast paced music will cause the audience to feel tension and become in a heightened state of shock. Also, the use of the fast pace of the music will cause the audience to feel as if they have to keep up wight the quickly developing storyline. 

Diegetic Sound - 
Myself, Chloe and Miranda have decided that we will include the diegetic sound of upbeat music playing on the car radio in addition to having the two female characters singing along just prior to the car breaking down on an empty isolated road late at night. The effect of including this diegetic sound of upbeat music and singing is that it will  trick the audience into thinking that everything is okay so when the car does eventually break down the audience are surprised and feel sorry for the characters as they see they're enjoyable friday night quickly come to an end. In addition, the audience are also given an insight into both of the girls night quickly spiralling out of control.  Due to the use of this diegetic sound they are then portrayed as vulnerable and therefore the audience produce sympathy for them and when something bad and unexpected suddenly takes place they feel sorry for them and what has happened. This would be conventional of the thriller genre because as diegetic sound is typically found in thriller films and using the diegetic sound of the radio playing makes the audience feel more tense and shocked at whats happening, when it does suddenly occur.

Parallel Sound - 
We have planned to use the parallel sound of the antagonist walking through the forest stalking the girls prior to the murder as it is sound that the audience will expect to hear in the scene (which is what parallel sound is). This use of sound also informs the audience that the antagonist is hiding and stalking the girls like a hunter the audience will see the antagonists feet walking and then expect the noise of crunching leaves which leaves the audience feeling tense and apprehensive about the events that are yet to take place within the thriller opening sequence. During the camera shot of the antagonists feet as he is walking, following the girls, will be where the audience can only see and hear the antagonist's feet as it is from the antagonists point of view. This would fit conventions of the thriller genre as this would cause the audience to feel nervous for outcome of the two victims. When the audience hear the sound of the leaves crunching in addition with the dark surroundings they will begin to feel more and more anxious for the two girls which will help the audience to establish a relationship with the characters as they feel sorry for them as they know the girls are being stalked even though the girls don't. The effect that the use of parallel sound has is that it produces a vast amount of tension for the audience as they question his whereabouts in the forest and his purpose for being there. It makes the audience question whether the characters will encounter each other and if the antagonist is a danger to the girls.

On Screen Sound -
We also decided to include on screen sound in our thriller opening sequence. On screen sound is heard when the audience can see where exactly the sound is coming from in the scene. On screen sound will be used in our thriller opening sequence when the car engine starts to make noises when the car breaks down and the audience can see the car come to a halt, as the engine makes strange noises when the car comes to a unexpected stop. This would be considered typical of the thriller genre and would fit conventions as the sound being heard and seen by the audience of the car breaking down suggests that the girls are going to find themselves in a predicament. The effect of this is that the audience are made to feel nervous and tense. Furthermore this then causes the audience to question why this has happened and how the girls are going to find their way out of their sticky situation. This enables the audience to initiate a relationship with the characters because the noise of the car breaking down prior to a silence highlights that something bad is likely to happen to Gemma and Holly which causes the audience to feel apprehensive.


In conclusion, planning the sound which we wish to use in our thriller opening sequence  is important as it has allowed to discuss and analyse how the use of various sounds will be  effective. We have to decided to include the above sounds as we believe it is important important that they are included in our thriller film as it indicates the direction of the storyline and makes the thriller openings sequence more intriguing for the audience to watch and holds their attention. We have chosen to use the sounds The sounds above as we believe they will be effective in regards to fitting conventions of the thriller genre as they will produce typical thriller audience responses such as tension and shock. The planning of sound is essential as it  will enable us to have a plan to use prior to our filming and give us a rough idea of a timeline of what to include and when.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a sound analysis of the sound you intend to use within your sequence, explaining what they should create, and briefly mentioning how a relationship can be built

    You need to:
    1) Elaborate on some of your points further by thinking about what these techniques create and how they are conventional of the genre (non-diegetic sound missing this)
    2) Elaborate on how and why a relationship can be built between characters and the audience as a result of sounds used
    3) Double check spelling etc.
